首頁 > 產品分類 > 【MD謬思設計】女神潮流徽章麻花短袖棉T① 原創設計 特殊領口 電繡徽章

【MD謬思設計】女神潮流徽章麻花短袖棉T① 原創設計 特殊領口 電繡徽章

  • 【MD謬思設計】女神潮流徽章麻花短袖棉T① 原創設計 特殊領口 電繡徽章
  • 【MD謬思設計】女神潮流徽章麻花短袖棉T① 原創設計 特殊領口 電繡徽章
  • 【MD謬思設計】女神潮流徽章麻花短袖棉T① 原創設計 特殊領口 電繡徽章
  • 商品資訊

    國內設計師自創品牌MUSE DESIGN,創立於2005年末,2006年開始生產首批T恤試賣,於2007年正式開賣。
    MUSE DESIGN T恤用富有迷幻、黑暗、頹靡、暴力美學、煽情、性幻想...等設計圖像的意境,引導你進入謬思的幻想世界。 
    • 100%台灣製造 MADE IN TAIWAN。 
    • 數量少不易撞衫。 
    • 布質精緻觸感柔滑,克服了T恤常有的衣領變鬆、衣身變形、起毛絮種種問題,加上超標準的四級固色定染、耐洗不褪 色,穿起來絕對舒適。 
    Origins : 
    Domestic designer brand MUSE DESIGN, founded in late 2005 , began producing in 2006 the first T shirt try to sell , sell officially opened in 2007 .
    MUSE originates from the Greek mythology, Zeus was born nine goddess (who were in charge of astronomy , history, hymns , epics , love poems , lyric poetry, comedy , tragedy , dance ), but they are also known as the art of the goddess . MUSE has a mythological significance of the term , there aimlessly , Xpress thoughts. MUSE English translation wrong thinking, meditation , contemplation of the meaning .
    MUSE DESIGN T恤magic with rich , dark, and stumbles have helped boost violent aesthetic , sensational , sexual fantasies ... and so the design image of conception , to guide you to the wrong thinking of the fantasy world. 
    Features : 
    • 100% made in Taiwan MADE IN TAIWAN. 
    • Only a few amount, small chance of twinning.
    • Use of 100% combed cotton , cloth fine silky touch , to overcome the T shirt collar loose often , clothing body deformation, fluff flocculation problems , coupled with the standard four super set dye fixing , washing is not Fade, absolutely comfortable to wear , logo printing can fully manifest in the above color saturation. 
    • Printing a high quality , flexible plastic used in Japan , with combed cotton printing , flexible, non- cracking non- shedding .
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